Publication: January 2024

The proposal highlights the significant influence of the baby boomer generation on the world, particularly in the latter half of the 20th century, and emphasizes the challenges faced by older adults today. With an increase in life expectancy driven by medical advancements and changing lifestyles since 1950, opportunities for the aging population, aged 55 to 80, are diminishing. The proposal stresses the urgent need to address issues affecting the mental health and well-being of older adults.

The proposal, presented by SOPROEN, focuses on four key aspects: access to necessary services, employment opportunities, knowledge and wisdom transfer, and the formation or access to social networks. The primary goal is to enable the elderly population to lead active lives, enhance their satisfaction and well-being, and continue contributing to society by transmitting their experience and knowledge. The text emphasizes a holistic approach, considering biological, psychological, and social factors, as well as cross-cutting aspects like culture and spirituality in the lives of the elderly. It suggests a new paradigm where older adults could serve as service providers and find meaning in their lives through selfless service or personal growth activities like volunteering. The proposal aims to outline the feasibility of implementing mechanisms to generate opportunities for the elderly, ultimately improving their quality of life and expectations.