Publication: 09 April 2017

Reliable information of a country’s population is of crucial importance for successfully taking decisions on policies, programs and other aspects aiming at improving people’s lives. An effective tool to achieve the aforementioned goals is the Single Household Registry (SHR) which is known for its centralized identity database that contains comprehensive Household (HH) information and enables unified administration and monitoring across a variety of Social Protection (SP) Programs. However in practice, despite its well documented benefits, inconsistenties still exist leading to a range of weaknesses in its design, and utimately its implementation. To utilise a SHR efficiently and effectively, this paper presents our firm’s Dynamic Single Household Registry (DSHR); one that improves present SHR processes, creating a household registry that is regularly updated, has room for expansion and allows for the integration of other participant institutions or agencies’ databases and vice versa.

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