SOPROEN es una empresa consultora con oficinas en Estados Unidos y Ecuador, con más de 25 años de experiencia trabajando en el diseño e implementación de programas de protección social en más de 40 países de América Latina y el Caribe, Asia, África y el Medio Oriente. SOPROEN quiere poner a consideración del presidente electo Daniel Noboa y su equipo, una propuesta para el sector social diseñada de tal manera que pueda ser implementada en el corto plazo y con alto impacto para los hogares pobres, vulnerables y afectados por desastres naturales. Gracias a la experiencia adquirida a través de los años, la empresa ha desarrollo instrumentos innovadores para migrar desde sistemas de protección social tradicionales a sistemas de protección social adaptativos de forma progresiva. SOPROEN sugiere una estrategia de implementación de duración de un año, que el SRE se implemente primero para asistir a los damnificados del Fenómeno del Niño en la etapa de recuperación, y casi de forma paralela que se implemente el R&E en las áreas (cantones) con mayores probabilidades de ser afectados por emergencias climáticas en los próximos meses y años. Luego, a medida que estos instrumentos se vayan consolidando, se pueden ampliar para el resto del país. SOPROEN ya desarrolló estos instrumentos, protocolos y guías, ellas pueden ser fácilmente adaptadas a la realidad nacional en un corto tiempo. Click here to access preview NOTE: In case you want access to the full proposal, please contact Francisco V. Ayala – Fecha: Octubre 2023 ...
Francisco V. Ayala, director of Ayala Consulting Group, made a presentation at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar in Ecuador on July 4th, 2023, titled “Current trends in adaptive social protection systems, emergency responses and a proposal to develop a master’s degree in social protection”. Wilson Araque Jaramillo, vice-rector of the institution, Eulalia Flor Recalde, academic coordinator of the management and development area, university professors and the team of consultants from Ayala Consulting were invited to the event. Date: July 4, 2023 ...
Over the last 20 years, more than 100 countries have implemented social safety nets, targeted at the poorest and most vulnerable. Impact evaluations have shown the effectiveness of these programmes, and policymakers have explored different methods of delivery, including cash transfers. Cash Transfers for Poverty Reduction offers the first systematic discussion of the design and implementation of poverty reduction schemes, and cash transfer programmes in particular. The authors also draw on their own practical experience and present global case studies in order to show the effects that these decisions have on operations and outcomes. Featuring end-of-chapter questions and answers to help test your knowledge, this book offers an operational guide for key stakeholders, officials and students in understanding the design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of cash transfer programmes. Publication: November 23, 2023 Authors: Francisco V. Ayala is President of Ayala Consulting Corporation/SOPROEN (since 1996) and has more than 25 years of experience as an International Social Protection Consultant. David Lawson is Associate Professor Development Economics and Public Policy at the University of Manchester, Adjunct Professor at the University of Helsinki, and Visiting Professor at the University of International Business and Economics, Beijing Endorsements: “This ground-breaking book fills a big gap in social protection knowledge. It examines in detail how to effectively and efficiently deliver cash transfers – from organisational capacity assessment to cost analysis and case mangement. If you want to know how to deliver poverty-reducing cash transfers, this book is essential reading. Professor David Hulme, University of Manchester “This excellent book contributes on the basics of the design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of cash transfer programs in developing countries. One of its great strengths is the use of country examples and experiences to illustrate key concepts and lessons learned.” Cem Mete, PhD, Practice Manager, the World Bank. “It is a valuable contribution to learning how to design and implement social protection interventions. It provides information which is essential to enhance the human capital of the most vulnerable people in the world.” Eulalia Flor Recalde, professor at the Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar, Ecuador. “Social Protection is high on the agenda of many national governments and international development partners. In this context, cash transfers can play an important role to cover the poor and vulnerable in particular (SDG 1.3). While most publications on the topic only discuss the impacts of cash transfer programmes this book by Francisco Ayala and David Lawson drills deeper and explains HOW to engineer these schemes and ensure that they are effective and efficient. Mandatory reading for social protection practitioners! Dr Patrick Rudolph, Head of Division Health & Social Protection Asia, KfW Development Bank” Dr Patrick Rudolph, Principal Portfolio Manager, KfW Development Bank, Health & Social Protection Asia View More Information About Book ...
SOPROEN provided support at the start of 2022 to the Malawi Government by developing a Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) Management Information System (MIS) with the financing of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). The GRM MIS is a tool that allows to register any type of case presented by beneficiaries and non beneficiaries of a social protection program in Malawi. The MIS allows to manage the cases presented, classify them within a particular category (claims, complaints, grievances, requests, updates), register actions as part of the investigation process and finally register the feedback from the affected person to know if their problem or case was satisfactorily resolved or not. The purpose of this system is to give households a voice and allow them to have the freedom to communicate with the projects and express their concerns or doubts regarding their participation in a particular process. Publication: August 11th, 2022 ...