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Period: 1998 – 2000
Client: Government of Ecuador – Redes Amigas and PROMECEB
Type of Project: Ex-ante assessment and design proposal

The firm supported the program with implementing the activities below:

  • Analysis of investments made by the government in public and private education, revenues and level of expenditure during the last five years.
  • Financial projections for education during the period comprised between 2000 and 2010.
  • Financial Viability and Sustainability Analysis for the Program.
  • Preparation of the implementation chapter and preparation of the operating regulations, guidelines, and manuals for the new program.
  • Structuring of the Project Preparation Facility (PPF) document required to obtain an IDB loan through to final approval of the credit.
  • Design of the resources allotment formula per student.
  • Design of the program’s operating regulations, including the structuring of a rural schools system.
  • Support and technical advice throughout the program implementation process.