Period: 2011 – 2013
Client: Ministry of Health of Ecuador

Zero Malnutrition Project was an initiative of the Ecuadorian Ministry of Public Health whose objective was to eliminate malnutrition of newborns up to one year of age and to improve prenatal attention levels in the country.

The Ministry of Health of Ecuador contracted the firm with the aim to design and provide technical support during the implementation of the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) project; and also for the design of the Management Information System. The scope of the consultancy covered the following:

  • Operational design of the full project cycle, including supply capacity analysis of all the health units, targeting, enrolment, co-responsibility compliance, transfers, case management and internal monitoring.
  • Support in the development of the communication strategy that is to be applied at the country level, (graphic materials such as posters, banners, flyers, signs, informing local leaders, radio advertisements, among others).
  • Development of all the modules of the MIS and supporting documentation including user manuals and requirements
  • Providing accompaniment to the ministry personnel in the executed activities in the field during each one of the project stages (preparation of logistics, training to staff, implementation, and supervision). Three pilots were executed, one in each region of the country (highlands, coast and the amazon).