
Mtukula Pakhomo Social Cash Transfer Program

Period: March 2012 to March 2017 Client: Ministry of Gender, Children, Disability and Social

Design and implementation of a Linkages and Referrals Component for the St. Kitts and Nevis’  National Household Registry

Period: 2016-2017 Client: Ministry of Community Development, Gender Affairs & Social Services (MoCDGASS)

National Household Registry

Period: November 2014 to September 2017 Client: The Ministry of Community Development, Gender

Linkages & Referrals: Maximizing Impact for Beneficiaries of the Cash Transfer Program in Malawi

Period: 2015-2016 Client: UNICEF The firm was contracted to design and operationalize an L&R

Renewing, Inspiring Sustaining, Empowering (R.I.S.E.).

Period: March to November 2015 Client: Ministry of Social Services and Community Development Design

Social Welfare Fund

Period: 2013-2015 Client: Government of Yemen The firm provided technical assistance to develop

National Registry of Beneficiaries, Redesign of 4 SSN Programs and Implementation of the Child Grant Programme

Period: 2009-2011 and 2012 – 2015 Client: Government of Lesotho The firm supported

Indicator Module for the Management Information System for LISP II

Period: December 1st, 2013 to February 28th, 2014 Client: Government of Suriname, Ministry of

Proyecto Desnutrición Cero

Period: 2011 – 2013 Client: Ministry of Health of Ecuador Zero Malnutrition Project was