Oil Sector

Why SOPROEN adds aggregate value to the Social Protection Sector

Publication: 06 Oct 2022 At SOPROEN, we have learned and developed different methodologies to implement social protection programs around the world. After having witnessed the implementation of more than 100 social protection projects in over 40 countries, we are in the position to also share key lessons which we have learned over the years as social development consultants. The...

Linkages and Referrals System: Malawi

Publication:  2019 Linkages and Referrals System: A practical means to guide poor and vulnerable households to complementary services upon their needs Cash Transfer Programs (CTPs) have global success in alleviating short-term poverty by providing direct, regular, fixed monetary assistance to households in need. These transfers reduce economic distress, enabling beneficiaries to prioritize essential needs like food, clothing, healthcare, debt...

Reasons for failure of SSN Programmes

 Publication: April 2019 In the last decades, Social Safety Nets (SSNs) are increasingly being used as a key measure to alleviate poverty and vulnerability among people in developing countries, not only to face short-term calamities but also for long-term development, contributing to a more self-reliant, economically viable population. While in 2009 only 19 countries possessed a national Social Protection...

Delivering cash transfer projects by UN agencies

Publication: 03 Jan 2019 With the recent increasing need for Emergency Cash Transfer programs, private consulting firms alongside and the international organizations, find themselves obligated to constantly develop innovative mechanisms and tools to respond quickly to the emergency contexts. When a natural or humanitarian disaster struck, international assistance programs (such as UNICEF, World Food Program (WFP) and others) would...

Delivering efficient cash transfer programs in an emergency context

 Publication: 18 May 2018 In an emergency context, implementing cash transfers is becoming more challenging as it requires a quick response that does not exceed a three-month period. Our firm has developed innovative mechanisms successfully implement an emergency cash transfer project. Cash transfer programming is also recognized by other international agencies and governments as a powerful instrument to help vulnerable...

The Dynamic Single Household Registry (DSHR)

 Publication: 09 April 2017 Reliable information of a country’s population is of crucial importance for successfully taking decisions on policies, programs and other aspects aiming at improving people’s lives. An effective tool to achieve the aforementioned goals is the Single Household Registry (SHR) which is known for its centralized identity database that contains comprehensive Household (HH) information and enables...

Mtukulo Pakhomo: Transforming Lives

Publication: 03 Jun 2016 The Malawi Social Cash Transfer Programme (SCTP), locally known as the Mtukula Pakhomo, is an unconditional cash transfer programme targeted to ultra-poor, labour- constrained households. This programme is implemented by the Ministry of Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare (MoGCDSW). Financial support derives from various technical and financial Development Partners including KfW, Irish Aid,...