Publication: July 2024

A New Paradigm for Corporate Social Responsibility Practices in the Oil and Mining Industry in Latin America

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Latin America’s oil and mining industries is crucial for sustainable development and community engagement. These industries operate in regions with impoverished populations and sensitive ecosystems, leading to significant social and environmental impacts. Increasingly, companies face opposition from environmental and social groups who demand better practices and stricter regulations due to concerns about ecological damage and social disruption.

Despite CSR regulations and enforcement by governments, local dissatisfaction has grown over the past decade. Communities often perceive CSR efforts as inadequate and lacking genuine engagement. For example, protests around Peru’s Las Bambas copper mine highlight the disconnect between CSR promises and community expectations. Such protests have disrupted operations and reflect deep frustrations about environmental and living conditions.

The technical note explores the gaps between CSR actions and community protests. It reviews typical CSR practices, challenges faced by companies, and their impacts on local well-being. SOPROEN proposes a new approach to the concept of social license to improve CSR effectiveness and foster better long-term relations between companies and affected communities.

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