Publication: May 2024

Workshop on International Experience of Single Windows for Citizen Services Implementation

Quito, Ecuador – June 15, 2024 – As part of the dialogue for the preparation of the Second Additional Financing of the Social Protection Networks Project, a workshop was held in Quito, Ecuador on June 15, 2024, on the international experience of the implementation and operation of the Single Social Window in local contexts, close to citizens.

The workshop was led by World Bank social protection specialists in Ecuador with the participation of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion (MIES), and the Social Registry. The objective of the workshop was to obtain a first approximation of the scope and operability for the permanent update of information on the socioeconomic conditions of Ecuadorian households and the referral to state benefits at both national and local levels, as well as to show international experiences in this context to highlight the applicability challenges in the Ecuadorian context.

Francisco Ayala, President of SOPROEN, was invited as a speaker to present international experiences in the design and implementation of Single Window for Citizen Services. Lessons learned from two previous interventions implemented by the company in Malawi and St. Kitts and Nevis were shared, along with discussions on European experiences such as those from France and Portugal, and Latin American contexts such as Colombia and Chile.

Francisco Ayala also presented a proposed implementation model for the Single Window for Citizen Services tailored to the Ecuadorian case as a means to facilitate communication between citizens and service providers within the Social Protection System (public and non-public).