
Headquarters in USA with offices in Ecuador and officials all over the world.  Our mission is to design and implement Social Prtection programs for vulenerable and at-risk communities and families worlwide.            


 We innovatively provide integral solutions and technical assistance that can be adapted to different country contexts in order to help alleviate poverty of the vulnerable and at-risk communities and families worldwide.                                                          


SOPROEN operates on the principle that, much like engineers, we design and build robust social projects from scratch. We establish a solid foundation, implement the project, and consistently monitor its progress to maximize positive impact.


SOPROEN, headquartered in the USA, is a consultancy firm operating globally in the field of social protection, aiming to alleviate poverty among the world’s most vulnerable populations. The name SOPROEN, which stands for Social Protection Engineering, reflects our firm’s expertise in social protection for over 20 years across the Americas, Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. We identify ourselves as “Social Protection Engineers.” By using the term “Engineers,” our firm embodies the ability to construct viable social projects from scratch, establishing a solid foundation upon which we implement and continuously monitor all processes, making adjustments as needed. We have had the privilege of collaborating with prestigious clients such as KFW, UNICEF, DFID, IDB, and the World Bank, among others.

Our Skills

Our Experience

We have more than 20 years of worldwide participation in the design and implementation of Social Safety Net interventions in more than 40 countries across the Americas, Asia, Africa, Europe and the Middle East.


Our professional expertise are in areas including: economics, statistical research, monitoring and evaluation, Social Protection practice and policy, communication, and Management Information Systems, which allows us to tackle our clients’ challenges.


Our consultants and staff come from all around the world. Each one of them brings their innovation and energy to support all of our projects.                                                                                                                                             

Trained Staff

All of our consultants are trained in our headquarters before heading out to the field to ensure smooth teamwork and cohesive results.

Effective Work

We take into account our client’s specific needs and work rapidly to address any country’s emerging needs.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Most Trusted

Our consulting firm prides itself on its commitment to working with integrity, focusing on the client’s objectives, collaborating with people all over the world, and achieving excellence above and beyond client expectations.

Latest Projects

COVID-19 Urban Cash Intervention (CUCI)
Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) System
Lean Season Response Malawi
Floods Recovery Response
Affordable Housing Project (AHP)
Mtukula Pakhomo Social Cash Transfer Program (Retargeting and Activities for Non-recertified households)

Projects in Latin America and Caribbean

Projects in Europe

Projects in Africa

Projects in Asia

Our Work Around the World

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